BPS 2024

3rd Annual Symposium on Branding Public Space

Call for Submissions:
Smart Cities and Smart Branding Symposium

The Branding Public Space Lab of the College of Design and Innovation at Tongji University is pleased to announce the 2024 Annual Multidisciplinary Symposium on Branding Public Space (BPS 2024). This year’s theme is “Smart Cities and Smart Branding.” We invite academics, designers, and practitioners from diverse fields to contribute to this exciting exploration of how smart technologies and innovative branding strategies shape our urban environments and experiences.

Theme Overview

In an era of rapid technological advancement and urbanization, the concept of smart cities has emerged as a powerful force in shaping our urban landscapes. This symposium aims to investigate the intersection of smart city technologies and branding strategies, examining how these elements can create, reinforce, or transform the identity and functionality of urban spaces.

We welcome submissions that address, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Theoretical frameworks for understanding smart city branding and place-making
  • Case studies of successful smart city initiatives and their branding strategies
  • The impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) and data-driven technologies on urban identity
  • Sustainable branding practices in smart city development
  • Citizen engagement and participatory design in smart city branding
  • The role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in urban branding
  • Smart mobility solutions and their influence on city identity
  • Digital twins and virtual city branding
  • Ethics and privacy considerations in smart city branding
  • Metrics and methodologies for assessing the effectiveness of smart branding in urban environments

Types of Submissions

1. Research Papers

Original research exploring theoretical or empirical aspects of smart cities and smart branding.

2. Case Studies

Detailed examinations of specific smart city initiatives and branding strategies, including both successful and unsuccessful examples, to provide insights into best practices and lessons learned.

3. Creative Projects

Innovative smart city or branding projects that demonstrate novel approaches to shaping urban identity through technology and design.

Submission Guidelines

Research Papers and Case Studies

  • Word count: 4,000-6,000 words (excluding references)
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Citation style: APA 7th Edition
  • Include an abstract of 250-300 words

Creative Projects

  • Project description: 1,000-1,500 words
  • Visual documentation: Up to 10 images or a 5-minute video
  • Format: Microsoft Word for written content, PNG for images, MP4 for video

All initial submissions should include:

  • Title of the work
  • Keywords (3-5)
  • An abstract or a brief description of 250-300 words

Please note: To ensure a blind review process, do not include author name(s), affiliation(s), or biographical information in your initial submission.

All submissions should be sent directly to Michail Semoglou (General Secretary) at m.semoglou@tongji.edu.cn.

After acceptance, authors will be required to provide:

  • Author name(s) and affiliation(s)
  • A brief biography of each author (100 words max)

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: September 30, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: October 21, 2024
  • Symposium date: November 23, 2024
  • Final submissions for Proceedings volume due: January 15, 2025

Note: The January 15, 2025 deadline is only for submissions to be included in the Proceedings volume. All presentations for the symposium should be prepared by the symposium date of November 23, 2024.

Selection Process

The selection process will be conducted internally by the staff of the Branding Public Space Lab and the Scientific Committee. All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process within this group. Each submission will be evaluated by at least two reviewers based on its originality, relevance to the theme, methodological rigor, and potential impact on the field. Creative projects will be additionally assessed on their innovative approach and execution.

Venue and Participation Options

BPS 2024 will be held in Shanghai, China, at the College of Design and Innovation (D&I) campus.

For those unable to attend in person, we welcome video presentations. Please indicate your preference for in-person or video presentation when submitting your work.

Selected papers and projects will have the chance to be included in a special proceedings volume.


We look forward to your contributions to this exciting exploration of smart cities and smart branding. For any queries, please contact Michail Semoglou at m.semoglou@tongji.edu.cn.

Symposium Chair

Professor Min Wang
Branding Public Space Lab
College of Design and Innovation
Tongji University

General Secretary

Michail Semoglou
Branding Public Space Lab
College of Design and Innovation
Tongji University

Scientific Committee

  • Duan Wu, Associate Professor
  • Kostas Terzidis, Professor
  • Nikos Ntounis, Senior Lecturer
  • Qin Du, Associate Professor
  • Weijia Wang, Assistant Professor